"Our children and grandchildren have the right to live in a world like the one we received"
Luis Seguessa, Researcher and President of Fundación Códigos

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to effectively stop
Climate Change and
Global Warming
Online conference
Something’s not right on the planet and the earth is giving us signals. There are more and more cataclysms in the world. Would you be interested to know why they occur and how we can stop them?

Online Radio Show
Online Radio 24/7
We invite you to listen to a selection of our program "Why You Did It", broadcast between 2021 and 2023 on our radio network. Listen to it here 24/7.

Combustión Cero

Global Alert

Planta Planeta

Música para Todos
Arturo Puig
I have known Luis Seguesa's fight for the healing of the planet for many years. I have attended his conferences, which are highly instructive and educational about the place we live in.
I can attest that, thanks to his talks and conferences, I have changed my way of thinking and humbly try to follow what I have learned from him so that we humans can live better lives.
Lorena Montefusco
Federico Fasano Mertens
I absolutely agree with the theories of Luis Seguessa. His book "Global Alert" speaks of a change in consciousness, out of respect for animal life, nature, water, trees, urging us to let rivers flow naturally without altering their course, to not forcibly modify plantations and change the ecosystem. As a young father, my mission is to sow that seed in the little ones and in the people, either through my music or my words. In this sense, "Global Alert" is an appeal to conscience, and reading it is essential to better understand our role in transforming this planet into a better place every day for everyone.
Ricardo Macchi
Pablo Sacco
Maria Paz Galvez
Researcher Luis Seguessa is a true reference in climate change, being an authorized voice in the media to evaluate and issue comments regarding the causes and solutions of global warming problems, the hole in the ozone layer, along with many other issues, having been interviewed and quoted many times. I have had the opportunity to work with him in the non-profit organization, and I have observed the great seriousness, responsibility and effort with which the Seguessa researcher dedicates himself to his role as President of the organization. He is always working with dedication, and is aware of the urgency with which these issues that affect all of humanity must be treated. Undoubtedly, the work he has done has been key in the installation of certain issues in the public debate.