Warning! Oxygen is a finite resource and is running out

The ozone layer is the main oxygen reserve and if it continues to weaken, it will no longer be able to supply the planet

Take action for the planet and join us in this effective fight against climate change before it's too late

A car engine consumes 700 times more air than a human being during the same period of time

The marine platform and the planet's green spaces are large oxygen producers, and cannot compensate for the consumption of engines

"Our children and grandchildren have the right to live in a world like the one we received"

Luis Seguessa, Researcher and President of Fundación Códigos


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to effectively stop
Climate Change and
Global Warming


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Something’s not right on the planet and the earth is giving us signals. There are more and more cataclysms in the world. Would you be interested to know why they occur and how we can stop them?


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Combustión Cero

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Planta Planeta

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