In a conference held at the La Comedia Theater in Rosario, Argentina, researcher Luis Seguessa warned about the importance of effectively stopping CLIMATE CHANGE before it is too late, and argued that it is essential that Copenhagen takes into account the main cause of the problem to achieve an international treaty with a favorable outcome for all humanity.
"The main cause of climate change is not the emissions of gases as commonly propagated, but rather the excessive CONSUMPTION OF OXYGEN by the vehicles circulating on the planet, progressively weakening the ozone layer, our primary oxygen reserve," warned during the presentation".
The leader of Fundación Códigos explains that a vehicle consumes between 50 and 100 liters of air on average per second. Taking into account the current world car-driving population (560 million vehicles), that means 20,000 million liters of air being consumed per second on the planet and returned to the atmosphere half-burned and in explosive form. Twenty percent of this (4,000 million liters per second) is pure oxygen, taken mostly from the ozone layer, which is our oxygen reserve, and also from the air and the sea, because without oxygen there is no combustion. The figure is so huge that it does not give time for either vegetation, or the marine platform to respond to this loss.
Fundación Códigos highlights the importance of the automotive companies replacing current internal combustion engines with eclectic models or a different and ecological technology that does not consume oxygen.
According to Seguessa, 'The electric car was born alongside the gasoline-powered car, with just a 5-year difference, but there are reasons that led to the demise of this technology, leaving users without the option to choose and forcing them to unnecessarily consume fossil fuels. The solution does NOT lie in a change of fuel since any fuel, no matter how environmentally friendly it may seem, burns oxygen during combustion.'
Seguessa ended the conference urging humanity to unite for LIFE and to think about the world that we will leave to our children.