Researcher Luis Seguessa is the Founder and President of Fundación Codigos and has more than 30 years of studies on climatic phenomena, having carried out during all these years numerous investigations on the ozone layer, the magnetosphere, the melting of the poles, and methane hydrate. , thermo-electromagnetic energy and mechanical engineering.
Luis Seguessa presented in 2008 five Theories on the global problem of Climate Change. Columbia University, the Seismological Society of the USA, the University of Michigan and the Johns Hopkins University reached similar conclusions years later.
Fundación Códigos was created to investigate, inform, and disseminate the true causes of climate change and their solutions, promoting technological change, environmental education, research, and a change of consciousness in the world.
To achieve this mission, our non-profit organization works on the following activities:

Radio Show
TV Show
Photo Gallery
Consulta la galería de fotos de eventos y actividades en las que ha participado la Fundación